“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.”
— –General Eric Shinseki, former U.S. Army Chief of Staff

The Idea

2019 was a year of self-reflection and change for us. Focus on family, friends and what makes us happy. Branching out from our 9-5 jobs (Which we still enjoy!) we’ve found the joys of making money while making people happy. We want to offer products that make people smile.

Style & Quality

My wife and I both have creative backgrounds; I even went to school for Art when I was younger. We’re both well-versed in the Adobe suite, mainly Photoshop, Premiere and Illustrator. Having recently invested in a laser cutter, we’re finding the joys of seeing our creations come to life.

100% Handmade

We’re not a mass-product, pollution creating factory somewhere you’ve never heard of. We’re 2 people with some cool tools and a vision. We do this work in our spare time in our office space to support our family and we LOVE IT!